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Learn Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Business

Starting a business is a bold and rewarding adventure, but it's not without its pitfalls. With a world of opportunity comes a maze of challenges entrepreneurs must navigate to succeed. Some vital steps and strategies can make or break your venture in a tech startup, a food and beverage company, or any other business.

Overview of Business Startup

Building a business from the ground up requires more than passion. It demands strategic thinking, research, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to your vision. When starting a business, it's essential to take a step-by-step approach to setting up your business model, defining your market strategy, managing finances, and building a solid team.

The excitement of launching a business often overshadows the importance of groundwork. Entrepreneurs are eager to get their product or service out to the market, and this rush can sometimes lead to critical oversights. It's important to plan meticulously and understand that starting a business is not just about product creation but also about building a sustainable system around that product.

Common Startup Mistakes

Lack of Clear Vision and Purpose

One of the most fundamental mistakes many entrepreneurs make is not defining a clear vision and purpose for their business. Without a vision, it's challenging to determine what success looks like for the company. A strong vision acts as a compass, guiding every decision you make, from product development to marketing. If you're unsure where your business is heading or why it exists, inspiring your team or attracting investors and customers will be tough.

Underestimating the Competition

Another common startup mistake is underestimating the competition. Many new entrepreneurs fail to take their competitors seriously or assume they can easily outpace them. This mindset can be damaging. Before you enter the market, you must conduct a thorough competitive analysis. Understand who your competitors are, what they offer, how they market their products, and their weaknesses.

Poor Team Selection

Hiring the wrong people is a mistake that can sink even the most promising startups. Your team is the backbone of your business, and having the right mix of talent, skills, and personalities is critical. Often, entrepreneurs may hire friends or acquaintances based on convenience rather than merit, leading to inefficiencies, lack of accountability, and internal conflicts.

Ignoring Feedback

Many entrepreneurs fall in love with their product ideas and resist criticism. However, customer feedback is invaluable. Ignoring feedback from early adopters can lead to a product that only partially meets market needs. Startups must be agile and ready to adapt their products or services based on customer insights.

Overextending Resources

Entrepreneurs often need to do more quickly, which leads to overextending resources. This could mean stretching your team too thin, diversifying your product offering prematurely, or spreading financial resources across too many projects. The key is to start small, focus on one or two core areas, and expand gradually as your business grows. Attempting to conquer multiple markets or audiences simultaneously can dilute your efforts and result in burnout.


Overextending Resources

Major Business Pitfalls

Scaling Too Quickly

Growth is essential for any business, but rapid scaling without the necessary infrastructure can be dangerous. Many startups become overly eager to expand geographically or in product offerings and must ensure they have the operations, workforce, and capital to sustain that growth. This can lead to stretched resources, poor customer service, product quality issues, and operational inefficiencies.

Overconfidence in Early Success

Early success can sometimes breed complacency. When a product or service receives immediate attention or popularity, some entrepreneurs fall into the trap of thinking it will continue indefinitely without effort. Success in the startup world is rarely linear, and the initial traction must be sustained with constant innovation, marketing, and customer engagement.

Lack of Legal Structure and Protections

Many startups need to pay more attention to establishing a solid legal foundation. Proper contracts, intellectual property protections, and regulatory compliance can help your business avoid legal disputes or even shut down. For example, failing to trademark your business name or product can lead to brand confusion or infringement issues.

Weak Cash Flow Management

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Many startups fail because they need more cash despite solid sales and customer demand. Proper cash flow management means ensuring that money is coming in faster than it's going out. Overestimating revenue or underestimating expenses can lead to a cash flow crunch that risks your business.

Poor Marketing Strategy

Even if you have the best product or service, your business will need an effective marketing strategy to reach potential customers. Many startups must invest more in marketing or identify the proper channels to reach their target audience. For example, if your audience primarily spends time on social media, investing heavily in traditional advertising might not yield the best results.

Business Planning Errors

No Business Plan or an Incomplete One

A solid business plan acts as a roadmap for your business. Many startups must pay more attention to this step or create a vague, incomplete plan. Setting realistic goals, anticipating challenges, or measuring progress is difficult without a clear strategy. Your business plan should outline your target market, competitive landscape, revenue model, marketing strategy, and operational structure.

Ignoring Long-term Planning

While startups often focus on short-term wins, long-term planning is equally important. Building a lasting business requires considering sustainability, scalability, and evolving market trends. What will your business look like in five or ten years? How will you continue to innovate and stay competitive?

Overly Optimistic Projections

Entrepreneurs are naturally optimistic, but keeping projections grounded in reality is essential. Many startups set unrealistic revenue and growth targets, leading to disappointment and financial strain. Overly optimistic predictions can also make it harder to secure investor funding, as seasoned investors look for realistic, data-backed expectations.

Inflexibility in the Business Model

While having a transparent business model is essential, being rigid in your approach can be a disadvantage. Markets change, customer preferences evolve, and new competitors emerge. Startups must be flexible and willing to pivot their business model when necessary. Being too tied to a single approach can prevent you from adapting to new opportunities or threats.

Poor Risk Management

Risk is inherent in business running, but many startups must account for it. Unexpected challenges can derail progress, such as a sudden economic downturn, a supply chain disruption, or a cybersecurity breach. Failing to identify and mitigate risks can leave your business vulnerable.


Create a risk management plan that includes potential threats and strategies for handling them. This can range from securing additional funding to diversifying your supplier base or investing in robust cybersecurity measures.

Market Misjudgments

Entering a Saturated Market

Breaking into a saturated market without a clear differentiation strategy is a recipe for failure. Many startups mistakenly believe that simply offering a better version of an existing product is enough to win customers. However, you may struggle to gain traction unless you can clearly articulate how your product or service differs from and is better than your competitors.

Not Understanding Customer Needs

One of the most common market mistakes is not fully understanding customer needs. Entrepreneurs often build products based on the market's wants rather than the customers'. This disconnect can lead to a product that fails to resonate with the target audience.

Inaccurate Market Research

Market research is the foundation of any successful startup. However, accurate or complete data can lead to better business decisions. Many entrepreneurs skip this step or need more research to capture the entire market scope.

Targeting the Wrong Audience

Another common market misjudgment is targeting the wrong audience. Even if you have a great product, it won't gain traction if you market it to the wrong people. Many startups make the mistake of casting too wide a net, trying to appeal to everyone rather than honing in on a specific target market.

Overlooking the Importance of Branding

Your brand is the face of your business. Many startups need to pay more attention to the power of solid branding, assuming that the product or service will speak for itself. However, it's challenging to differentiate yourself in a crowded market without a clear brand identity.

Financial Missteps


A significant financial mistake for startups is undercapitalization. Many entrepreneurs need to pay more attention to how much capital is required to get their business off the ground and sustain it until it becomes profitable. Running out of funds is one of the top reasons why startups fail.

Mispricing Your Product

Setting the wrong price for your product can have devastating consequences. If you price it too high, you may lose customers to cheaper competitors. If you price it too low, you may not cover your costs or reflect the true value of your product. Mispricing can also damage your brand perception, positioning your product as low-quality or overpriced.

Failure to Secure Funding

Many startups struggle to secure funding because they don't know where to look or because they don't present a compelling case to investors. Failing to secure adequate financing can stall your business's growth and limit your ability to compete.

Neglecting Financial Planning

Proper financial planning is essential for the success of any startup. Many entrepreneurs focus on product development and marketing but must create a detailed financial plan. This can lead to overspending, missed revenue targets, and cash flow problems.

Mixing Personal and Business Finances

Many new entrepreneurs must avoid mixing personal and business finances, which can lead to tax complications, financial mismanagement, and legal issues. It's essential to keep your finances separate from your business accounts.


Starting a business is no small feat. While the journey is exciting, it's important to remember the common mistakes that can derail your success. From underestimating competition and hiring the wrong team to poor cash flow management and market misjudgments, these pitfalls can be avoided with careful planning, research, and strategic execution.

Surf Air Expands Unlimited Private Jet Service from California to Europe

Packed in like human cattle. Or human sardines. Forced to wait in long wait lines. Treated to generalized and impersonal service. Suspiciously investigated and monitored. No, that is not the logline for a horror movie but an apt description of enduring modern 21st-century air travel. Lines are getting longer; travel departure delays are increasing and traveler disapproval with airports and airport service and ever more invasive security checks are reaching record highs. If only private jet travel was more affordable. Well, if you fly weekly or on a frequent basis in the California-centric region of the United States and spend over $2000 a month or every few weeks in business-related travel costs, then a new startup boutique airline may be able to offer you a more luxurious and comfortable way to fly.

World's First Private Unlimited Air Travel Club

Surf Air is actually the world's first private unlimited air travel club for business and leisure fliers. It was founded in 2011 in California by CEO Jeff Potter. Surf Air strives to maintain quality service by employing a small-scale staff and only flying to small, private regional airports in and around California. The FAA-certified company employs 200 people. All flights are piloted by two pilots, a captain, and first officer. All Surf Air pilots are active or retired commercial, military, charter and small aircraft pilots and experts at their craft. You can arrive 15 minutes before departure and buy your tickets through the website's app, but you will still follow scaled down commercial airport security and screening procedures. Surf Air's fleet of aircraft currently consists of over a dozen Swiss-manufactured 8-seater Pilatus PC-12 single-engine turboprop aircraft. The aircraft has a 1,200-mile traveling distance range and cruising speed of 320 MPH.

Uber of Skyways and Netflix of Airlines

The start-up airline has been referred to as the "Uber of the Skyways," and the, "Netflix of Airlines," because of their efforts to embrace technology and to cater air travel to their clients' needs in the most comfortable way possible. You can set up an inspection appointment wi, Cath Surf Air to visit one of their private airports and to inspect and check out one of their airplanes yourself. The airline has over 80 daily departures from California. Membership costs $1,950 a month with a $1,000 exclusive membership signup fee. First time members can fly one-way for $500 or two-ways for $1,000 in a promotional discount membership drive until July 31, 2016. Surf Air has over 3,000 exclusive members and counting. In fact, the company will be doubling the current size of their dozen-strong air fleet by the end of the year. The company's business model concept has been so popular that they will begin expanding their operations to Europe beginning October 2016.

Services Available

Surf Air Europe's private air travel members will be able to fly unlimited throughout Europe on a monthly basis for USD $3,225, or € 2,500, a month. So, it's all up to you. If you travel by air frequently and cannot take the rigors of corporate, commercial air travel anymore, it may be in your best interest of travel comfort to arrange an aircraft inspection and information visit with Surf Air today. Surf Air operates out of private and small-sized airports in the Greater Los Angeles Metro Area, San Francisco, Truckee, Lake Tahoe, Santa Barbara, Sacramento, Napa, and Monterrey. Surf Air also flies to private airports in Las Vegas in collaboration with another regional boutique airline called Advanced Air. In October 2016, Surf Air Europe will begin operations in and out of private and small-sized airports in Cannes, Dublin, Geneva, London, and Zurich. Additional cities will be added later. You can learn more about unlimited, monthly air travel membership at the Surf Air website. 

Work-Life Balance: The Key to Good Mental Health & Wellness

Today's demanding world can make it too easy to fall into a cycle where work impedes all aspects of our lives, impacting both mental health and personal well-being. Achieving true work-life balance is vital to reduce stress, boost productivity, and create healthier lifestyles with greater fulfillment. 

Neglecting it leads to burnout, decreased mental clarity, diminished productivity, and reduced health benefits, but prioritizing balance will reap immense rewards that extend well beyond office walls! 

This guide provides essential steps you need in order to find balance, manage stress effectively & improve overall wellness.

The Importance of Work-Life Balance for Mental Health

Maintaining mental well-being requires striking the appropriate work/life balance. Without it, work can quickly consume your time and energy, leading to burnout, chronic stress, and physical ailments such as backache. 

A balanced lifestyle supports good mental well-being by creating space for relaxation activities such as hobbies or meaningful relationships. Also, the ones that provide much-needed respite from daily rigors as well as helping reduce stress while creating positive experiences.

Stress management is vitally important to emotional resilience. Unmanaged stress levels can quickly escalate to anxiety and depression. But with an effective work-life balance in place, stress levels may more likely remain manageable and provide you with the tools and mindset necessary for emotional resilience.

Impact on Productivity and Lifestyle

Contrary to popular belief, working long hours doesn't always lead to more productivity; overwork can cause exhaustion, decreased focus, and ultimately lower output. Achieving an ideal work-life balance is vital to sustaining productive output throughout our daily routines.

Balanced lifestyles that combine both professional and personal time boost productivity and foster creativity and motivation. You are more likely to produce high-quality work when well-rested and mentally sharp.

Stress Management as Part of Achieve Balance 

Proper stress management is integral to leading a balanced lifestyle. Although stress cannot always be avoided entirely, learning how to control it efficiently is the key. 

By striking a healthy work-life balance you are better suited for handling any stressful situations that may arise! Self-care techniques like practicing yoga or simply engaging in enjoyable activities could all play an effective role.

One of the best strategies for relieving stress is setting clear boundaries between work and personal life. Establishing clearer limits - from setting work hours at specific hours, turning off notifications after certain times, or prioritizing exercise and hobbies over work tasks - will significantly lower stress levels.

work-life balance

Self-Care Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and finding balance is dependent upon self-care; taking care of ourselves must remain our priority, which includes prioritizing work over personal time off for physical fitness or stress-reduction purposes. Below are some self-care techniques designed to promote better mental well-being through improved work-life balance:

Prioritize and Stick With It: Understand what matters most in life and work. Spending your energy on activities or relationships that bring joy will help maintain balance in life and work.

Learn to Say No: While learning to say no can be challenging in an office environment, learning it is crucial for maintaining mental well-being and productivity. By not overcommitting your resources and time, you can better focus on yourself and what matters to you most - your well-being.

Schedule Breaks and Downtime: Make sure to set aside time in your workday for breaks, even short ones, to refocus and refresh yourself before returning to work. Downtime is equally essential for relaxation and mental wellness.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help reduce stress while sharpening mental clarity. Practicing mindfulness in both your work life and personal life, practicing it promotes more presence for an overall greater sense of balance and well-being.

Exercise regularly: Physical activity has an incredible influence on mental well-being. Regular physical activity helps manage stress levels, lift spirits, and promote overall well-being. Regular physical activity is vital to leading a healthy life, whether through yoga, running, or simply going for a brisk walk.

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Your food choices directly influence how you feel. A diet rich in essential nutrients can have profound impacts on your mood, energy levels, and productivity. Therefore, be sure to fuel yourself with nutritious food to support a work-life balance.

Stay Awake: Sleep can often become neglected when life gets busy, yet its importance for productivity and mental well-being should never be ignored. Without sufficient restorative rest, your work performance could likely suffer, and stress levels skyrocket, resulting in reduced productivity at work as well as skyrocketed stress levels and anxiety levels.

Employer Role in Supporting Work-Life Balance

Though individuals ultimately are responsible for creating their ideal work-life balance, employers have an essential part to play as well. Companies that recognize its significance tend to foster environments in which employees thrive. Offering flexible schedules, encouraging time off requests, and providing mental health resources can all assist employees in better managing their balance between work and leisure commitments.

Organizations that prioritize employee wellness often experience reduced turnover rates, increased job satisfaction scores, and greater productivity gains. By supporting employees' efforts towards striking a work-life balance, they become more engaged, motivated, and loyal employees, resulting in positive ripple effects across both employees' personal lives as well as the company's bottom lines.

Establishing a Long-Lasting Balance

Achieving an ongoing work-life balance requires effort and mindfulness. Integrate healthy habits into your daily routine while continually reevaluating how you're spending your time. It takes dedication to create an enviable lifestyle that promotes mental well-being, lifestyle stress management, and productivity!

Begin by acknowledging the power of balance on both mental and physical wellness. Once aware, implement self-care practices that resonate most with you - being sure not to rush along your quest towards balance! Finally, allow yourself time and grace as you strive towards reaching it.


The goal of work-life balance should be to improve mental and overall well-being. Doing this by taking care of both mental and physical health needs, managing stress effectively, and finding an enjoyable lifestyle are ways to better meet demands, both work-related and nonwork-related. 

Achieve this balance not by striving for perfection but through finding one which allows you to thrive across life's many aspects.

Integrate these self-care tips into your routine and recognize that attaining work/life equilibrium is a gradual process. Prioritize mental health, productivity, and wellness to notice its positive results in life.

Understand Top 10 Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health

Meditation is an ancient practice that has evolved over centuries to become a powerful tool for improving mental, emotional, and physical health. It has roots in many spiritual traditions, from Hinduism and Buddhism to Taoism. In the modern world, meditation is increasingly being embraced as a secular practice, backed by scientific studies that demonstrate its profound impact on mental health.

Overview of Meditation

Meditation involves techniques that train the mind to focus, calm down, and achieve heightened awareness. It's more than sitting in silence; it's about cultivating mindfulness where you're fully present in the moment without judgment. The aim is to transcend the mind's constant chatter referred to as the "monkey mind," and experience a deep sense of inner peace and clarity.


  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Focuses on being present in the moment and observing thoughts without judgment.
  2. Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta): Feelings of compassion, love, and kindness toward oneself and others.
  3. Guided Meditation: A voice or an instructor or audio recording leads you through a mental journey to help you focus and relax.
  4. Transcendental Meditation (TM): Involves silently repeating a mantra or sound to reach a state of deep relaxation and awareness.
  5. Body Scan Meditation: Helps release tension by focusing on different body parts.

Major Benefits of Meditation

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

One of the most significant reasons people turn to meditation is to manage stress and anxiety. Stress is a natural part of life, but chronic stress can lead to a host of physical and mental health problems, including heart disease, insomnia, depression, and anxiety disorders. Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which induces relaxation and calm. When stressed, your body releases cortisol, a hormone linked to the "fight-or-flight" response. This can cause increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and other physiological changes that can harm your health. Meditation reduces cortisol levels, helping to lower stress. It teaches you to observe stressful thoughts and emotions without letting them spiral out of control. Regular practice makes you more resilient in stressful situations and able to handle challenges easily.

Enhances Emotional Health

Emotional health is a key component of overall well-being, and meditation effectively enhances it. By regularly practicing meditation, you become more aware of your emotional landscape. Meditation allows you to step back and observe these feelings without reacting impulsively instead of being swept away by intense emotions, such as anger, sadness, or frustration. This practice encourages emotional regulation, helping individuals maintain a balanced mind. Over time, it nurtures emotional intelligence-the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and empathize with the feelings of others. Meditation also encourages tremendous gratitude and contentment, improving mood and a more positive outlook. It can even be an effective adjunct to psychotherapy or counseling, complementing the tools used in treating mood disorders.

Improves Focus and Attention

Maintaining focus and attention can be challenging in today's world, where distractions are plentiful. Meditation is like a workout for the brain, training it to focus on a single point of attention, breath, a mantra, or a specific object. A study conducted at Harvard Medical School showed that mindfulness meditation increases the thickness of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for higher-level thinking and problem-solving. This structural change in the brain improves attention span and concentration. People who meditate regularly report that they can focus better on tasks, experience fewer distractions, and sustain attention for more extended periods. Meditation enhances productivity in both personal and professional life by improving focus. It sharpens cognitive abilities, helping with decision-making, memory retention, and problem-solving skills.

Boosts Self-Awareness

Meditation promotes self-awareness by encouraging individuals to look sincerely and honestly at their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Through mindfulness, you become more attuned to patterns in your thinking and behavior that may be unconscious or automatic. Meditation can help you recognize triggers that cause stress or negative emotional reactions. Once identified, these triggers can be addressed with greater awareness, allowing you to choose more constructive responses. This introspection enhances personal growth and development, leading to better decision-making, healthier relationships, and a more profound sense of purpose. Meditation can help you cultivate self-compassion, treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during difficult times. This is crucial for building solid self-worth and overcoming negative self-talk.

Promotes a Positive Outlook on Life

Regular meditation helps create a more optimistic mindset. It encourages the brain to focus on the present moment instead of dwelling on past regrets or future anxieties. Through practices such as loving-kindness meditation, you can train your mind to generate feelings of love, compassion, and empathy toward others and yourself. This positive emotional state can lead to greater overall happiness and well-being. Meditation helps shift your focus from what's going wrong to what's going right, providing gratitude and contentment. In the long term, it can rewire your brain to respond to life's challenges with resilience and optimism.

Reduces Symptoms of Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues globally, and meditation has emerged as a powerful tool in managing its symptoms. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which combines traditional cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness practices, has been shown to reduce the risk of relapse in individuals with recurrent depression. Meditation helps individuals observe their thoughts and emotions without becoming attached to them. This distance from negative thinking patterns, referred to as "rumination," is crucial in breaking the cycle of depression. By practicing mindfulness, individuals learn to accept their emotions and thoughts as transient, reducing their intensity and impact on mental health.


Yoga Reduce depression

Lowers Blood Pressure

Meditation can directly impact physical health by lowering blood pressure. Chronic stress is a major factor in high blood pressure (hypertension), which can lead to heart disease and stroke. Meditation, especially relaxation-based practices, helps reduce stress and, as a result, lowers blood pressure by inducing a state of deep relaxation. A study published in the Journal of Hypertension found that regular meditation practice significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure. This, in turn, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health issues associated with hypertension.

Improves Sleep Quality

Insomnia and sleep disturbances are common issues in today's fast-paced world. Meditation can improve sleep quality by calming the mind and reducing the anxious thoughts that keep people awake at night. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, helps individuals become more aware of their thoughts without becoming attached to them, which can quiet the mental chatter that prevents restful sleep. In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that mindfulness meditation significantly improved sleep quality in older adults with sleep disturbances. Participants experienced fewer awakenings during the night, quicker sleep onset, and improved restfulness.

Boosts Immunity

Meditation has been shown to strengthen the immune system by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Chronic stress weakens the immune response, making the body more vulnerable to infections and illnesses. Meditation reduces the body's inflammatory response, boosting immune function. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that individuals who practiced meditation had higher levels of antibodies in response to the flu vaccine compared to those who did not meditate. This suggests that meditation can enhance the body's ability to fight off infections and maintain overall health.

Helps Manage Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can be debilitating, both physically and mentally. Meditation, particularly mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), has been used as an effective method for managing chronic pain. Instead of trying to eliminate the pain, meditation teaches individuals to change their relationship with the pain. By observing body sensations without judgment or emotional attachment, individuals can reduce the emotional and psychological impact of chronic pain.


Meditation is an ancient practice with powerful benefits for modern mental health. There are meditation health benefits natural and effective way to achieve these goals. By incorporating meditation into your daily routine, even for just a few minutes, you can experience profound changes in your mental and physical well-being. From reducing anxiety and depression to boosting immunity and improving sleep, the benefits of meditation are far-reaching and accessible to all.

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New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft blasted the NFL on Wednesday for upholding quarterback Tom Brady's four-game suspension, calling it "unfathomable," while apologizing to the team's fans for agreeing to accept the league's penalties.

"I was wrong to put my faith in the league," Kraft said, noting that in doing so he felt it would help exonerate Brady.

"Six months removed from the AFC Championship Game, the league still has no hard evidence of anybody doing anything to tamper with the psi levels of footballs. I continue to believe and unequivocally support Tom Brady.

Kraft then explained why he agreed to accept the league's penalties of a $1 million fine, 2016 first-round draft choice and 2017 fourth-round draft choice.

"I, first and foremost, need to apologize to our fans because I truly believe what I did in May -- given the actual evidence of the situation, and the league's history on discipline matters -- would make it much easier for the league to exonerate Tom Brady. Unfortunately I was wrong," he said.

"I've come to the conclusion that this was never about doing what was fair and just. Back in May, I had to make a difficult decision that I now regret."

Kraft then ripped the league's investigation, calling it "extremely frustrating and disconcerting." Kraft referenced a report that stated 11 of the 12 Patriots footballs measured at halftime were significantly under the required range of 12.5 psi to 13.5 psi.

"I will never understand why an initial erroneous report regarding the psi level of footballs was leaked by a source from the NFL a few days after the AFC Championship Game, and was never corrected by those who had the correct information. For four months, that report cast aspersions and shaped public opinion," he said.

Kraft also took issue Wednesday with the way the NFL communicated the news that commissioner Roger Goodell decided to uphold Brady's four-game suspension on appeal. In particular, Kraft was upset by the league's emphasis on the idea that Brady destroyed his cellphone.

"Yesterday's decision by commissioner Goodell was released in a similar manner, under an erroneous headline that read, 'Tom Brady destroyed his cellphone.' This headline was designed to capture headlines across the country and obscure evidence regarding the tampering of air pressure in footballs.

"It intentionally implied nefarious behavior and minimized the acknowledgement that Tom provided the history of every number he texted during that relevant time frame. We had already provided the league with every cellphone of every non-NFLPA employee that they requested, including head coach Bill Belichick."

Kraft did not answer questions, and said he will not talk about the matter until after the legal process plays out, while advising everyone in the organization to do the same.

Brady, who released a statement on his personal Facebook page Wednesday, is not scheduled to hold a news conference.

"Tom Brady is a person of great integrity and is a great ambassador of the game, both on and off the field," Kraft said. "Yet for reasons that I cannot comprehend, there are those in the league office who are more determined to prove that they are right rather than admit any culpability of their own or take any responsibility for the initiation of a process and ensuing investigation that was flawed."

Kraft also appeared to fire a direct salvo at NFL general counsel Jeff Pash, who was a league-based reference for investigator Ted Wells in producing the multimillion-dollar report that was used as the foundation to penalize the Patriots.

"I have often said, 'If you want to get a deal done, sometimes you have to get the lawyers out of the room.' I had hopes that Tom Brady's appeal to the league would provide Roger Goodell the necessary explanation to overturn his suspension. Now the league has taken the matter to court, which is a tactic that only a lawyer would recommend," Kraft said.

It is an outcome Kraft said he didn't think was possible when he accepted the league's penalties in May. He said Wednesday that it is routine for discipline in the NFL to be reduced on appeal, even when there is evidence of an infraction.

"I tried to do what I thought was right. I chose not to take legal action. I wanted to return the focus to football," he said.

"I have been negotiating agreements on a global basis my entire life, and I know there are times when you have to give up important points of principle to achieve a greater good. I acted in good faith and was optimistic that by taking the actions I took, the league would have what they wanted.

"I was willing to accept the harshest penalty in the history of the NFL for an alleged ball violation, because I believed it would help exonerate Tom.

"Given the facts, evidence and laws of science that underscore this entire situation, it is completely incomprehensible to me that the league continues to take steps to disparage one of its all-time great players and a man for whom I have the utmost respect.

"Personally, this is very sad and disappointing to me."

Belichick took the podium after Kraft, but the coach refused to discuss Brady's situation, answering repeated questions on the matter by saying, "It's already been addressed."

A source told ESPN's Jim Trotter that Brady has authorized the NFLPA to appeal his case in federal court, where he is expected to seek an injunction that would allow him to play while his case works its way through the courts. The league and Brady's representatives had engaged in settlement talks but couldn't find common ground, which was expected.

The NFL told Brady that if he acknowledged that Patriots ball attendants Jim McNally and John Jastremski were doing something illegal, and if he acknowledged that he didn't cooperate with the league, the NFL would be willing to reduce his suspension to two or maybe even one game, a source said. Brady declined to agree to the offer, which as one source said, "tells you how Tom feels about this case."

Attorney John M. Dowd, the investigator and author of the report that led Major League Baseball to ban Pete Rose, weighed in Wednesday and said Brady was "ambushed" by Goodell and that the "entire NFL disciplinary process lacks integrity and fairness."

"The record of the Wells investigation shows that this cell phone was not an issue or charge below. Tom and his counsel made it clear the cell phone would not be produced. He was not cited by Wells for failure to cooperate -- a separate charge never made -- because he did cooperate," Dowd said. "Thereafter, [Goodell] punished him for the tampering and made no reference to the absence of the phone or lack of cooperation.

"Meanwhile, the flawed Wells report was demolished publicly which put Goodell between a rock and a hard place given his dismal record with disciplinary decisions. As a result, Wells and the commissioner ambushed Brady on appeal with the phone and a new charge, to wit: failure to cooperate. But they knew and had no quarrel with the non-production of the phone before they learned it had been destroyed. By adding it to the reason for the suspension, the NFL commissioner has denied Tom Brady the fundamental right to notice of a charge and the right to defend against it."

Brady, who turns 38 on Aug. 3, will miss the first four games this season unless the case goes to court. Jimmy Garoppolo, a second-round draft pick in 2014, would replace Brady.

New England hosts Pittsburgh on Sept. 10 to open the regular season. The Patriots then go to Buffalo, host Jacksonville, have a bye, and are at Dallas in the last game of Brady's suspension. Oddsmakers at William Hill US, though, continue to keep the Patriots at 7-2 to win the AFC title and 8-1 to win Super Bowl 50.

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Check Out The Must-Know Legal Tips for Small Business Owners

Starting a small business is exciting but involves significant responsibilities in navigating the complex legal landscape. several legal aspects will affect how your business runs when Starting, scaling up, or managing day-to-day operations. Let's understand and address these areas to avoid legal issues, costly fines, and potentially damaged reputations.

Small Business Legal Advice

One of the first steps in ensuring your business is legally sound is to seek proper legal advice. A reliable business attorney can help protect your company and reduce risks, particularly in contract negotiation, employee issues, intellectual property, and local laws. A professional lawyer can guide you through the complex legal processes from the start of your business journey.


Legal Structure Advice: A business attorney can help you choose the best structure for your business (LLC, corporation, sole proprietorship, etc.), which will determine your tax liabilities, personal liabilities, and compliance obligations.

Contract Review and Drafting: From leases to service agreements, contracts play a pivotal role in protecting your interests. An attorney can review or draft these agreements to ensure they are legally binding and favorable to your business.

Preventing Disputes: Solid legal documents and agreements can minimize the risk of disputes with clients, vendors, or employees.

Compliance with Employment Laws: As your business grows, hiring employees may become necessary. An attorney can help you comply with federal and state employment laws regarding wages, hours, benefits, and worker safety.

Navigating Regulations: Every industry has its own set of regulations and standards. A lawyer familiar with your industry can ensure you follow the appropriate rules, licenses, and permits.

Regularly consulting a business attorney reduces the chances of lawsuits or costly mistakes and ensures that your business operations run smoothly and within the bounds of the law.

Business Structure Legal Requirements

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common form of business ownership. The owner and the business are considered a single entity in this structure. This simplicity allows sole proprietors to control all business decisions and earnings directly, but it also means that the owner is personally liable for any debts or legal actions. No legal separation exists between personal and business assets, which puts personal finances at risk if the company incurs debt or faces legal challenges.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

An LLC is a flexible business structure that combines the limited liability protection of a corporation with the tax efficiencies of a sole proprietorship or partnership. LLC owners are not personally responsible for the company's debts, which means their assets are generally protected in case of legal issues. However, LLCs have specific registration requirements, including filing with the state and paying annual fees.


A partnership is a legal entity where two or more individuals share ownership, profits, and business responsibilities. While partnerships are relatively easy to form, they can expose the partners to personal liability for the business's debts. To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to have a partnership agreement in place that outlines each partner's roles, responsibilities, and shares in the business.


 successful small business


A corporation is a more complex structure that provides the most vital personal liability protection. In this structure, the business is a separate legal entity from its owners, meaning shareholders are not personally liable for the company's debts or legal issues. Corporations are subject to more regulations and are more expensive to establish and maintain than other structures. They also face "double taxation," where corporate income and shareholder dividends are taxed.

The business structure you choose will have long-term implications for your business. Therefore, selecting the one that best aligns with your business goals and legal requirements is essential.

Business Contracts Essentials

Contracts are a vital part of every business transaction. A well-written contract can prevent misunderstandings, protect your interests, and provide legal recourse. Regardless of your business type, you'll likely need contracts with clients, vendors, employees, and partners. But what exactly should a good contract contain?

Identification of Parties

Any contract requires clear identification of the involved parties. This includes the full legal names, addresses, and roles of the parties entering the agreement. The more precise you identify the contracting parties, the easier it is to enforce the contract if necessary.

Scope of Work/Services

A well-defined scope of work lays out precisely what services or products will be provided under the contract. Including detailed descriptions helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes later. Make sure to outline deliverables, deadlines, and performance expectations clearly.

Payment Terms

This section should detail how, when, and under what conditions payment will be made. Specify the total amount owed, due dates, penalties for late fees, and any advance payments or deposits required. Clearly defined payment terms help prevent late or incomplete payments.

Termination Clauses

It's essential to address how the contract can be terminated by mutual agreement or for specific reasons (such as non-performance or breach of contract). A termination clause should specify the notice period required, conditions under which the contract can be ended, and any penalties for early termination.

Dispute Resolution

While no one enters a contract expecting a dispute, planning for that possibility is wise. Outline how disputes will be handled by mediation, arbitration, or litigation and which jurisdiction's laws will govern the contract. If conflicts arise, a dispute resolution clause can save both parties time and money.

Components of Legal Compliance for Startups

Business Registration

Registering your business with the state is the first step toward legal compliance. Depending on your structure, this might involve registering as a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or corporation. You must obtain any necessary business licenses or permits depending on your industry and location.

Employment Laws

If you have employees, you must comply with labor laws regulating minimum wage, overtime pay, worker safety, and anti-discrimination. Adherence to these laws can result in costly penalties and lawsuits. Ensuring your employees are classified correctly as employees or independent contractors is essential to avoid misclassification issues.

Tax Obligations

Taxes are an unavoidable part of running a business. Ensure you understand your tax obligations, including income, sales, payroll, and self-employment taxes. Each type of tax has different filing deadlines and requirements, so keeping track of them is crucial to avoid penalties.

Data Privacy and Security

In today's digital age, protecting customer data is a legal necessity. Depending on your business type, you may need to comply with data protection regulations like the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). Ensure that you have proper security measures in place to protect sensitive information.

Zoning Laws

If your business has a physical location, you need to ensure compliance with local zoning laws. Zoning laws dictate where certain types of companies can operate and what modifications can be made to the property. If you run a home-based business, be aware of any local restrictions that may apply.

Benefits of Protecting Business Intellectual Property

Prevents Competitors from Using Your Ideas

Securing patents, trademarks, and copyrights protects your business from competitors who may want to imitate your products, services, or branding. Without IP protection, you may find it difficult to prevent others from capitalizing on your business innovations.

Increases Business Value

Protected IP can add value to your business by increasing its assets. If you ever seek investors or plan to sell your business, having secured intellectual property rights will make your business more attractive and valuable.

Provides a Competitive Edge

Owning exclusive rights to your intellectual property gives you a distinct advantage in the market. It allows you to brand your products and services in a way that sets your business apart from competitors, creating a unique market position.

Revenue Generation

Your intellectual property doesn't just protect your ideas-it can also become a source of revenue. Licensing your IP to other businesses for a fee can create additional income streams. This is particularly valuable if you hold patents or trademarks for desirable technology, products, or services.

Safeguards Your Brand Identity

Your business's brand is one of its most valuable assets. Securing a trademark protects your brand from misuse by other companies. Protecting your brand identity ensures customers can recognize your products and services and helps build trust and loyalty.


Running a successful small business requires more than great products or services-it requires careful attention to the legal details that govern business operations. Prioritize legal compliance, seek professional legal advice, and secure your business's intellectual property. You can minimize risks and lay a strong foundation for growth.