ITV Ice Makers S1050 52" Ice Bin - 1048 lbs, 1,048 lb Storage Capacity, Stainless Steel($2127.15Value)


ITV Ice Makers S1050 52" Ice Bin - 1048 lbs, 1,048 lb Storage Capacity, Stainless Steel($2127.15Value)


The Ice Bins by ITV Ice Makers: Ice Storage Bin, 52 W, 1048 lbs. capacity, slope front bin, 304 stainless steel construction, 6 adjustable legs (not included on dimensions), NSF ( ITV Ice Makers - S1050 ). The S1050 by ITV Ice Makers.

More Information

RevType 2
Manufacturer ITV Ice Makers
Sku S1050
Identity 23079800358