Yamaha STAGEPAS 100BTR 2-Way 6.5" 100W Portable PA System with Bluetooth STAGEPAS100BTR($399.99Value)


Yamaha STAGEPAS 100BTR 2-Way 6.5" 100W Portable PA System with Bluetooth STAGEPAS100BTR($399.99Value)


Free Express Shipping! Yamaha STAGEPAS 100BTR 2-Way 6.5" 100W Portable PA System with Bluetooth For Live Performances and Events, Coaxial 6.5" Woofer and 1" Comp Driver, Bi-Amped Class-D 100W Peak Amplifier, Three Channels with 2-Band Master EQ,...

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ShipAmount $0.00
RevType 2
Manufacturer Yamaha
Identity 33675726903