Ways to Mellow Out, Man.

No matter what our situation is, we will find something to stress out about. It is not uncommon for some of us to even get sick from the amount of stress that we allow ourselves to succumb to. Well, if you want to live a longer, healthier life you might want to find ways to bring your stress level down. We have a few things to start you off with.

  1. Music: This is the number one way to de-stress. Throw on your iPod, kick back, and take it easy. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and get lost in them. You’ll forget about your troubles soon enough.
  2. Bath: Soaking in the tub is clinically proven to relax your muscles. It doesn’t hurt to throw some extras in there! Bubbles, Epsom salt, bath confetti, candles, music, viola!
  3. Downtime is Downtime: When you leave work, make sure you leave your work. Live your life outside of work when you clock out. Your mind will make your body feel like it is still at work if you’re still thinking about that deadline that you have to meet this week. Take care of your body by clearing your mind.
  4. Sleep It Off: Take a power nap. Make sure you don’t exceed 30 minutes. Anything longer will result in extreme drowsiness. This makes it harder to actually wake up from your nap and fall asleep that night. However, a proper power nap will give you the extra push you need to finish your daily duties!
  5. Speak Into Existence: This one is very simple. When you speak about your stress, it just creates a stressful environment, and maybe an awkward conversation. Positive affirmations are really helpful!

There are several different things that you can be doing to alleviate your stressful situation, but you have to be willing to go the extra mile to help yourself achieve a calm state of mind. Repetition is a great way to create a positive habit.