The Bigger Picture

Most people in this day and age don’t want to work for what they have. The simple idea of the trek to success seems uninviting. However, you shouldn’t be so discouraged. Work is defined as human labor. A career is defined as a journey through life. Which one sounds better? Well, if you’re still stuck at a dead end job, you too can have a career. How do you do it?


Aspirations are pretty important. Without them, you wouldn’t know exactly what you like the most about life. You wouldn’t know what you want out of life. Place you focal point on a high dream. It’s okay to aspire to be the richest person in the world, a CEO, and other major things. Write this down and move onto to the next step.

Action Plan

Your action plan is what you are willing to do to achieve your dream. This requires “work” (or human labor), but the difference between this and your current job is this is only temporary. Make sure this plan has an end game. Your action plan may require a lot of work, so be prepared to actually put in the work! The next step is your reward.

Never Work Again

Congratulations! You no longer have a job. You have a coveted career! A wise person once said, “When you’re doing what you love it isn’t work”.

The best part about this three step process is that anybody can do it. If you have a dream, (or even if you don’t have one quite yet) you can achieve it with persistence and perseverance.