Timeless Beauty Tricks

  1. Take it Easy: If you have a great head of hair, you don’t need to overdo it with tons of unnecessary makeup. Less is more in this case.
  2. Neck Care: Just as you try to keep up with your face’s beauty, do the same for your neck. Think about how many older ladies mention something about their necks. Get a head start.
  3. Moderation: You can stay thin by utilizing your knowledge of portion control.
  4. Don’t Touch: Try to keep your hands (which are full of germs and oils) away from your face! You’ll be less prone to acne this way!
  5. Stay out of the Sun: If you do go in the sun, use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  6. Pamper: No excuses. Take one day a week to yourself to do your nails, deep condition your hair, use a facial mask, or whatever it is that makes you feel beautiful. After all, beauty starts from within. It’s all about how you feel about yourself.
  7. Don’t Over-tweeze: Full brows are beautiful, and they will always be in!
  8. Blush: Everybody needs blush! You just need to find your perfect shade!
  9. Less is more: Try to stick to neutral tones and less caked on makeup. Your skin, as well as your self-confidence will thank us later.

While these may not be the beauty tips you were looking for, there is a theme. Less is more. We’re not saying you should do the absolute bare minimum, but we promise the outcome is incredible…not to mention that huge confidence boost that you’re about to gain in 5, 4, 3, 2…