New Couples

The beginning of a relationship is the most important time. There are a few things that should be taking place at this time. If you aren’t doing the majority of these things you may want to pay attention.

Putting yourself first is a great way to have a happier relationship. Studies show that when you spend more time on yourself you have time to learn more things that you may be interested in. You can later teach your partner these things.

Respecting the privacy of your relationship is a great way to stay in it. Posting things about your relationship online not only make others uncomfortable, but it shows others every detail about your budding or failing bond. If you’re venting online it just might make things worse.

Avoid the toxic relationships that your friends lead. Don’t seek advice from a friend who is splitting up with their partner as well. Studies show that if you spend a lot of time with your friend, family member, or coworker who is in a toxic relationship, there is a 33% chance that your relationship will end right alongside theirs.

Unwind together. When you’re done working you should take some time to spend time with your spouse. No work talk!

It’s all about the little things! Try these tips and start strengthening your relationship!