What Can Hurt Your Relationship

Don’t criticize. This is number one, because it is crucial to support your partner in whatever they do. Criticism will lead to a defensive partner, which will then lead to a fight. If you’re always criticizing, you’re always with a defensive partner, and we hope you can take it from there. Find a better way to voice your opinion in a non-combative and belittling way. Trust us. It goes a long way.

Be realistic. Don’t go into your relationship with fairytale expectations. If you’re always demanding unrealistic expectations of your partner it will just hinder them from being truly authentic around you. They will also begin to resent you for it.

Listen. Be sure to listen to what your partner has to say. Even though it seems trivial to you to sit and listen to the recap of their day, or maybe a problem that isn’t really a problem, listening will strengthen your relationship more than you think.

Above all else, you should never avoid intimacy. Physical and emotional intimacy is the most important part of maintaining your relationship. You want to make sure that you partner feels loved and appreciated.