Milestones and Your Baby

As your baby develops, you’re going to be experiencing exciting milestones! What should you be expecting and what indicates slower development than the norm? \ Smiling (8 wks) – This is the first skill that your baby will develop. As the...

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Furniture Shopping

Okay, so you’ve finally reached your savings goal to remodel the living room. You’ve finally painted the room a fantastic color, and you’ve just purchased great electronics. What’s missing? Oh, did you grab furniture? You know the stuff that you can actually sit on? No worries. We’re here to save you. Here are the best places to shop…no matter where you live.

  1. – This website is great place for just about anything you need for your home. They usually have a great free shipping promotion going on. Check them out. We love them!
  2. Macy’s – You can shop in-store or online. Either way, you can find some pretty stylish and affordable items here.
  3. – If you’re furnishing an apartment you should check out this website. They have a great collection of things that will fit perfectly in your small space.
  4. Urban Outfitters – Yes, the clothing store. They’re the best kept secret! They sell hipster and vintage looking pieces. You might even find some whimsical accessories and artwork!
  5. Crate & Barrel – If you don’t have one of these stores nearby, you can always log onto the internet and have some pieces shipped to your front door!
  6. Restoration Hardware – It’s a little pricey, but just remember, you get what you pay for. Restoration has beautiful furniture for every single room. They even have lighting and tableware. Oh, are you living in an apartment? Don’t worry they’ve got you covered too!

Try these furniture stores if you’re in a rut! We promise that you’ll find (at least) one piece that you really love!

Too Many People on your Wedding Guest List

First of all, let us say…woe is me! You have too many people that want to come and support you on your special day. It must be so hard being so loved. Okay, now that we’ve gotten our jealousy out of the way, let’s begin with some solutions. (Sorry about what we said before.)

  1. Consider other cutbacks – Maybe you don’t have to trim your guest list. Maybe that ice sculpture of a swan spreading its wings and wrapping them around a heart that symbolizes your love for each other can go instead.
  2. Category split – Split your guests into categories. Separate your immediate families from your extended relatives to your friends and their kids.  Consider all of your options and try cutting out people that way. Here’s a suggestion: Small children will not remember this day. Maybe they can stay at home. After all, most children don’t know what’s going on and will get bored after the first five minutes.
  3. When have you last seen these people? – If they don’t know your fiancé, chances are, they don’t need to share in your special day. Think about childhood friends, extended family, co-workers, and so on.
  4. No Kids – Enforce a “no kids” policy. This will cut down at least HALF of your guest list!

It’s pretty harsh, but kids don’t really need to be there. Unless they’re your kids or dear to your heart in a very special way, they should stay at home. They won’t remember, and you will be put at ease! Congratulations on your special day!