Skincare Tips from TV/Movie Sets

It’s no secret that makeup is essential to every TV and movie set, but just how much? Vampire Diaries’ Nina Dobrev explains "It doesn't look like we're wearing a lot of makeup but we are, I don't wait until I get home. When I'm on set I'l...

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Elliptical and Body Workout Tips

Elliptical: The elliptical is a great and concrete workout machine for a many reasons. It is easy on the joints and is also a great total-body workout. If this machine is your favorite, you may feel as though the routine is getting a bit repetitive. Not to worry, you can stay on your favorite machine, but break your workout rut with these tips.

-          Core: Letting go of the handles will help tone your core. The faster you go, the more you’re working your core.

-          Butt: The inclination that’s the elliptical has to offer is great if you’re looking to tone your hamstrings and glutes (and to be honest, who isn’t?). So, you should play around the incline and find out which level you’re most comfortable at. Push yourself to exceed that incline the next day.

-          Just like the Treadmill: The treadmill is usually the first machine to go. So, lucky for you, you can reap all of the benefits of the treadmill on the elliptical. Simply let go of the handles and mimic a running position. Viola!

No Machine: Do you like to march to the beat of you own drum? Well, that’s actually one of the best ways to achieve a fit lifestyle.

-          Abs: The Namaste Side Bend is done standing up. You will have your feet positioned hip-width apart, and arms above your head with your hands in the “Namaste” position. Lean to the right while pushing your left hip out. If you are doing it right you will feel your back and obliques engage. Repeat on the opposite side for one rep. Do twelve reps.

-          Thighs: The Leg Swing can be achieved by lying on your right side with your legs stacked. Bend your right knee and place a disc underneath your big toe (of extended leg). Rest your head on your right hand (raised). Sweep your left arm forward and overhead. Swing your left leg behind your body and sweep your arm back toward your hip. Do 12 to 15 reps.

-          Arms: The standard triangle pushup is done in the plant position. Walk your hands together to form a triangle. Do a pushup. Do 12 reps.

These are proven to be the most effective workouts that you can do on a daily or routine basis. Keep yourself active. Results depend on your level of dedication.

Free Things

Are you taking advantage of the free things that are offered to you on an almost constant basis? Is it not constant? Well, whatever the case may be we have some great cost cutting solutions (and they include free things! Yay!).

When you’re grocery shopping, what is the most annoying thing that you can think of? Our guess would be the sample stations. We totally understand where you’re coming from. You want to get in and get out. You don’t have the extra time to sample a brand name product that you already know well enough about. However, this may help you out. You see, most sample stations will offer you a discount on that product. You will save! Score! Okay, so let’s move on. Did you know that you’re paying extra money just for the label of a product? The lesser known products are exactly the same thing, but they charge less simply because they are lesser known. If you cut your name brand buying by 50% you will see a substantial change in your savings.

How many times a month do you find yourself shopping for clothes? This question is aimed at our women readers, but we are taking into account the avid shopper’s spirit in men as well. Don’t worry, we won’t lecture you. We love to shop too! How about some cost cutting solutions? What is BOGO? BOGO is Buy One Get One Free. Free is the keyword here. If you venture over to the nearest sale and only participate in BOGO sales, you’re going home with twice as much for half the price! To put things into perspective, let’s say you’ve just purchased 3 new tops and 2 new pairs of jeans. Assuming you’ve gone completely BOGO, you will be going home with ten items! That’s a pretty sweet deal!

The trick to saving is to never blindly shop. Make a list, stick to it, grab the sales, and GO HOME. You will begin to see a change in your bank account, and if you’re anything like us, you will never turn back to your old habits ever again! Happy shopping!


Staying productive throughout the day is a great way to get things done. If you find that you aren’t doing much with your day, maybe it’s time to change it up. Sure, after work you’re tired and you don’t want to do much. During the week that’s the perfect excuse to wind down. On the weekends, however, you should make the most of your days! We’re certainly not suggesting that you jam pack your days full of things to do and never rest. However, it might make sense to plan out your day with a to-do list. You’ll feel more accomplished at the end of the day. If you’re trying to obtain a more productive lifestyle the best way to start is to get up and start doing it. If you can’t think of anything, here are some things to get you started.

Whiten your Teeth: If you’re going to go with the whitening strip route, try Crest 3D whitening strips!

Go to the Gym: Save your excuses! If you’re bored then you can squeeze in a quick 30 minute workout. Those endorphins will have you back for more!

Check out that New Store: This can also be looked at as a stress reliever. Solo leisure shopping can clear your mind. So, while you’re checking the new store, take that time to reflect and clear your head. Literally live in that moment for a second.

While this article may have turned into a go to list for boredom, that’s probably what you’re going through if you feel unproductive. Just try and get up and do something. You’ll be glad you did.

Does Fitness Fit into your Lifestyle?

It’s important to keep up with a fit lifestyle. You may find this task rather daunting, but rest assured that you’ll thank yourself in the long run. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a fitness/health nut. Minor lifestyle changes make all the difference before you know it. What changes?

Cut It Out

  1. Sugar: Limit your intake and cut out the unnecessary things. For example, frosting is loaded with sugar and trans-fats. It may be tempting. It may taste great on a cake or cupcake, but you should do a trial run. Eliminate sugar from your diet for about a month. Come back and reassess. Do you miss it? Are you thinner? You’re welcome.
  2. Tomato Sauce (from the jar): You are better off making your own. The store bought brand has a ton of sugar packed in there.
  3. Soda: A can of soda is equal to a ten packets of sugar. Take the water route. Drink natural juice! Just put down the can!

Get Active!

  1. Incline Chest Press: This will help engage your upper chest muscles.
  2. Leg Press: This machine requires a rigorous multi-joint workout that will make certain day to day activities a breeze (stairs, biking, that hike that you’ve been putting off).  
  3. Cardio Machines: If you’re choosing to use the elliptical, make sure you’re going at a brisk pace. You want to pretend that you are running with the occasional added resistance. If you’re a traditional treadmill user, try running in the middle of the tread. Running too close to the panel will not help you run at a normal pace. If you run too far back you are putting yourself in obvious danger.

It is important to commit if you’re truly going to move forward with a more fit and healthy lifestyle. Try not to become discouraged. You will not see results right away, but you will see results.

Ways to Mellow Out, Man.

No matter what our situation is, we will find something to stress out about. It is not uncommon for some of us to even get sick from the amount of stress that we allow ourselves to succumb to. Well, if you want to live a longer, healthier life you might want to find ways to bring your stress level down. We have a few things to start you off with.

  1. Music: This is the number one way to de-stress. Throw on your iPod, kick back, and take it easy. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and get lost in them. You’ll forget about your troubles soon enough.
  2. Bath: Soaking in the tub is clinically proven to relax your muscles. It doesn’t hurt to throw some extras in there! Bubbles, Epsom salt, bath confetti, candles, music, viola!
  3. Downtime is Downtime: When you leave work, make sure you leave your work. Live your life outside of work when you clock out. Your mind will make your body feel like it is still at work if you’re still thinking about that deadline that you have to meet this week. Take care of your body by clearing your mind.
  4. Sleep It Off: Take a power nap. Make sure you don’t exceed 30 minutes. Anything longer will result in extreme drowsiness. This makes it harder to actually wake up from your nap and fall asleep that night. However, a proper power nap will give you the extra push you need to finish your daily duties!
  5. Speak Into Existence: This one is very simple. When you speak about your stress, it just creates a stressful environment, and maybe an awkward conversation. Positive affirmations are really helpful!

There are several different things that you can be doing to alleviate your stressful situation, but you have to be willing to go the extra mile to help yourself achieve a calm state of mind. Repetition is a great way to create a positive habit.